Youth Engagement

Since January 2017, GLOBCOM has engaged youths in and out of school through various youth responsive activities tailored to empower youths and create behavior change communication. These activities run all year round include: –

  • Integrated Computer Literacy

This is eight weeks designed computer literacy program that reaches youths in and out of school. Youths are taught important skills on basic computer applications which is integrated with behavior change communication and life skills.

  • Sports and Talent Promotion

GLOBCOM organizes regular sports tournaments and talent shows that bring youths together for social cohesion, show case talent and communicate behavior change. The activities are held during school holidays and targets youths in and out of school.

  • Youth Capacity Building

Through our various outreach activities, GLOBCOM networks and collaborates with other youth groups and organisations where we exchange experiences and offer capacity building initiatives aimed to empower and strengthen the youth groups in different community units.

Highlight of key achievements

  1. From 2017, the organisation has conducted over 10 youth tournaments and talent search that reached adolescents and youth persons with behavior change messages.
  2. The organisation has reached 20 youth groups with capacity building programs.
  3. Since its inception, the computer literacy program has seen over 100 youths graduated with basic computer skills
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