GLOBCOM is a youth-led youth-focused organization registered with the NGO Coordination Board, a State Corporation established by the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act (Cap 19) of 1990. Our registration certificate No. is OP.218/051/2003/0246/2892, registered on 24th February 2005. The organization has its head office along Siaya – Rang’ala road in Siaya Town. The organization’s vision statement is “A healthy and productive community.”  The organization has a board of ten directors, five male and five female who oversee and directs the functions of the management team.

The management team is efficiently structured to ease coordination and communication through a seamless organogram with positions including; Program Coordinator, M and E Officer, Finance Officer, Administration Officer, Project Officers, Field Officers, Volunteers and Community Owned Resource Persons. Staff are hired through a rigorous and credible process and engaged on a contract basis. Currently the organisation has a total of sixteen staff out of which seven have long term contracts with the organisation.

What makes us different?

GLOBCOM has worked in various counties including Siaya, Kisumu, Kilifi and Nairobi. The organization’s operations in Siaya County spans over 18 years. For the years of operation in Siaya, GLOBCOM has reached the community with various programs and interventions which include; Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Behavior Change Communications amongst Adolescents and Youth, HIV prevention amongst Adolescents and Young Persons, Discordant Couples, Men as a target population for HIV prevention, Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission, Treatment Care services for people living with HIV. The organisation also implements a cataract project from June 2019 to date. GLOBCOM has partnered with various organisations over the years and some of these include; CARE Kenya, KANCO, Kenya Red Cross Society, Fred Hollows foundation among others.


Use of sports and art to create health education.

Conduct community outreach activities.

Use of innovation and technology to promote behavior change.


Work with CHVs in order to strengthen community referral system.

Advocate for continuous capacity building of healthcare workers through skill development.

Advocate for continuous improvement of health facilities


Continuous staff capacity development.

Continuous resource mobilization.

Enhance the organizations structures and systems for efficiency.

10,000+ youths helped

18+ years of service

200+ volunteers

1,000+ families impacted


Success Stories

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nlife today?

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Will you change a childu2019s
nlife today?

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nlove for community

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