When it comes to protecting and promoting human rights, government bears the primary responsibility. However, Globcom has engaged seven paralegals to support identified human rights violation cases from the community. They have been following cases to support survivors of human rights violations to get legal redress. 

While in Bondo Sub- County, the organization profiled and trained total of seven officers drawn from different departments on violence prevention and response. The seven shall play a key role in cascading the same information at their departments and help offer response to violence happening at various work places and community settings.

During this reporting period the seven paralegals managed to document and report a number of cases. In order to drive further the human rights agenda, the organization held a stakeholders review meeting at Siaya Red cross Hall that brought together key actors in relation to Sexual and Gender Based Violence response. Furthermore, we managed to conduct free legal aids clinic which was held in Obambo in March. 

During the community sensitization activity, the organization brought on board a number of paralegals and an advocate of the high court to foster discussion and community awareness, in order to enhance the number reached with information on human rights and the law.

Moreover, the organization integrated know your rights sensitisation sessions during a number of its activities aids in dissemination of information on human rights and law as well.   Everyone in a position of authority and particularly leaders need to recognize the severity and systemic nature of violence against women and girls. This means tackling its root causes, including poverty and marginalization, and making justice systems more responsive to the needs and rights of women.

1 Comment

  1. Such a great work… Thumbs up

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