- Promotion of primary health care through behavior change communication (BCC)
The organisation uses innovative ways to communicate behavior change and promote primary health. Some of the approaches used by the organisation include; sports, talent and art to create health education and awareness amongst the youthful population. Art and sport are also useful as it offers edutainment during public forums and used to deliver information in a friendly way to the target population. The underserved rural communities are reached with information through community outreach activities and sensitization forums which create awareness to promote healthy living. Information technology plays an important role in creating awareness to the mass population. The organisation carry’s online campaigns and sensitization through its social media platforms and local media stations.
- Health system strengthens
Health resource include health personnel, equipment’s, infrastructure and health commodities which are very essential in delivery of health care. The organisation conducts advocacy for strengthening of the health systems to improve on service delivery and promote health. Currently, the organisation directly engages with the community health volunteers (CHVs) who are at the primary level of health care in order to strengthen community referral system.
- Advocacy for favorable health policy
The organisation partners with various stakeholders in advocating for favorable health policy at both the national and county levels. Good policies are vital in ensuring sustainable health systems and promotion of health.
- Institutional development
To drive the objectives of the organisation, resource is key. Growth and stability can be achieved through continuous capacity building and system strengthening of the organisation. The organization is keen to involve it’s personnel, who are its key resource, in regular skill development programs to build their individual capacity and improve on their productivity and service delivery. As a result the organisation expects to increase efforts on resource mobilisation and have multiple revenue streams which shall create sustainability.
In 2010 Kenya joined the league of nations that have taken exceptional step of elevating health and environmental rights to constitutional standards. In this regard article 42 and 43 declare that every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment and in this regard the right to the highest attainable standard of health respectively. Health is a fundamental and cross cutting issue which has important bearing on youth’s well being and capacity to participate in education, skills development, poverty eradication; and national economic, political and social processes. Apart from preventable and communicable diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases, spread of HIV and AIDS, new challenges like malnutrition, non-communicable, reproductive health and drug abuse have become issues of major concern. Mental health is increasingly becoming a common problem among the youth.
There is a growing health problem among youth who drop out of school. This category of youth are mostly unemployed, have no adult supervision, have poor level of welfare, and are vulnerable to drug use and substance abuse. Young females are particularly vulnerable to high-risk behavior, such as transactional sex, prostitution, rape, female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. They are exposed to violence, exploitation, and are often in conflict with the law. The youth continue to be the most affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The youth are exposed to the HIV and AIDS due to biological, socio-cultural and economic factors. The high rate of teenage pregnancies, abortions, school drop-out and sexually transmitted diseases confirm that the youth are engaging in sex early, increasingly being exposed to HIV and AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
The female youth constitute 52% of total youth. Sexual activity among the youth begins quite early in their life. Over 44% of girls between 15-19 years old have had sexual intercourse. Sex at this age has adverse effects on health, besides other socio-economic consequences. Studies have shown that most adolescent pregnancies (around 90%) are unplanned. High level of unprotected sexual activity exposes the female youth to the risk of contracting STIs, including
HIV and AIDS. The lower level of education for girls, coupled with retrogressive social and cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced early marriages, put the female youth at a disadvantage. These factors have led to low participation and representation of youth in decision-making. Traditional gender roles over burden the female youth, limiting their opportunities for progression and self-development.
At present, there are limited programs aimed at addressing the needs of these groups of the youth, towards this end GLOBCOM seeks to partner with stakeholders taking research and consultancy geared towards enhancing health and promoting youth responsive programs to achieve this.
Unemployment brings along with it social ills such as crime, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as radicalization and violent extremism. The unemployed youth should be provided with empowerment opportunities, in addition to access to services, support Programmes and opportunities for further training. The out of school youth have special needs in terms of access to socio-economic and other opportunities. The increasing disparity between the annual output of school leavers and the job creation in the economy has resulted in high unemployment levels among the youth. Unemployment, which is mainly as a result of rapid population growth and increased pressure on land and other resources, is exacerbated by imbalance of skills among the youth caused by the education system and over-reliance by Kenya’s industries on foreign technologies. Communities become independent with economic empowerment and enables life without flows. Therefore economic empowerment is key to establishing independence and achieving prosperity.
Kenya is currently experiencing a so-called ‘youth bulge’ a situation when at least 20 per cent of a country’s population is between the age of 15 to 24 years old. In other contexts, this situation has proven to be a major asset for national economies, when these young people were able to find appropriately paying employment, or other ways of gaining personal economic independence. The large number of young Kenyans thus offers the potential to be a force for a
positive economic future of the country, both collectively and as individual agents of progress and change. Faced with few opportunities, much competition and in some cases additional personal vulnerabilities most of Kenya’s young generation relies on the possibilities the informal sector offers, employment and self-employment alike. Kenya’s dual, but intertwined, economy is characterized by an informal sector that provides 83 per cent of all current employment opportunities. We seek to create an opportunity for the growing number of youths coming from tertiary institutions with high expectations of opportunities, a conducive environment where they can actively participate and be economically productive and generate income for themselves and for the country.
Girls Out Loud Apprenticeship Programme
Sister Act is a collaborative mentoring programme bringing employers and schools together to secure ..
Stardom Programme
on school site intensive coaching programme for at risk, troubled girls age 13-15.
Where We Work
49,000 people, innnearly 150 countries
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia de-serunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium
The management team is efficiently structured to ease coordination and communication through a seamless organogram with positions including; Program Coordinator, M and E Officer, Finance Officer, Administration Officer, Project Officers, Field Officers, Volunteers and Community Owned Resource Persons.
Ibraheem Otieno Kevin