Mr. Romanus Okumu is a 74 years old man from East Gem location, Marenyo sub location, Ahon ratudi village, a victim of bilateral cataract which deprived him the beauty of sight that he once enjoyed before his old age. He is a father of four and happily married to Ruth Awinja aged 44 years old. This small family has lived with a double challenge of sight since Ruth is totally blind. Both Mr. Okumu and the wife have been dependent on their young children who are still at home for help in moving from one place to another as they have been incapacitated to do much owing to their eye challenge. Ruth became blind at 12 years old after her friend accidentally pierced her eyes and completely changed her life since her sight could not be restored back at any cost.
For Mr. Okumu, all was well until late 2017 when he started experiencing poor vision which worsened by the day. Mr. Okumu initially worked as a driver and strongly relied on his eyes to earn a living. When he was faced with this challenge, he had no option, knowing the danger he faced and the risks that this could have led to, he had to quit his job and his only source of income at the time. He started doing subsistance farming at his home as efforts to get his sight back proved to be impossible, this also became impossible for him as his condition later worsened. According to the old man, all was lost as both his immidiate family and friends told him that this was as a result of his old age.
Nevertheless, God has been a blessing to them, Mr. Okumu’s wife heard about the eye care outreaches being supported by the Fred Hollows foundation. This information reached her through the various mobilisation activities being carried out by CBOs and the community health strategy team in the county. Ruth was referred by Christine Akinyi, the area community health volunteer, to Hawinga health centre where one of the outreaches was being done at the time and she brought her husband for the treatment. Winnie Aluoch, a GLOBCOM staff, met the couples and gave all the needed assistance.
The doctors confirmed that Mr. Okumu’s condition could be helped and enable him regain his sight back. Both eyes were operated on the same day.
We visited the couples one month after the surgery, during a post operation visit, and found a totally changed family that has lived to overcome a great challenge that threatened their sustainance.
At his home in Gem, both neighbors and relatives were amazed at the sudden change in this family. All were filled with joy and happiness that this family is able to be independent again.
Mr Okumu has helped alot in the familly ever since he regained his eyesight. He was able to build a kitchen for the familly, goes to the farm daily and has been able to support the family as a bread winner again. At his free time, Mr Okumu does weaving and makes trays and baskets which he sells at 100 and 200 shillings each respectively. He is very thankful for the program by the Foundation which has made a positive impact to his life.