Sports is one of the major activity that has always appealed to youths as they participate as players and spectators alike.
Sports is one of the major activity that has always appealed to youths as they participate as players and spectators alike.
The organisation conducts actual visits to other youth groups and Community Based Organistions to reach them with messages on behavior change
Since January 2017, GLOBCOM has engaged youths in and out of school through various youth responsive activities tailored to empower youths and create behavior change communication.
From June 2019 to date, GLOBCOM has implemented a cataract project covering two sub-counties of Siaya county;
From January 2019 to date, GLOBCOM has implemented a HIV prevention program as a sub-recipient of Kenya Red Cross Society
Mr. Romanus Okumu is a 74 years old man from East Gem location, Marenyo sub location, Ahon ratudi village, a victim of bilateral cataract which deprived him the beauty of sight that he once enjoyed before his old age.