This year the national syndemic disease control council (NSDCC) organised the 7th Maisha conference at the pride inn beach resort in Mombasa county. The theme for the conference was; Ending Epidemics: Leadership, People, Science and Partnerships. Maisha Conference was first launched in 2011 by the NSDCC (formerly national aids control council) and serves as a platform for scientists, communities, and stakeholders to share knowledge and best practices in the response to HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections. This year, the NSDCC used this event to launch the “End the triple threat” commitment plan. The three-day event run from 29th to 31st August and was officially opened by NSDCC’s chief executive officer Ms. Kkkkk and graced by her excellency Hon. Ms. Gladys wanga, governor, Homa bay county among other dignitaries.

GLOBCOM was privileged to showcase and share its efforts in the fight against HIV AIDs to the over 2,500 local and international delegates who included; researchers, implementing partners, development partners, civil society organizations, communities, national and county governments and the private sector, who attended the conference. Our team got the opportunity to share with the world the key lessons learnt and best practices as a community implementing partner in Siaya county. At the exhibition desk, the team engaged delegates in open dialogues, question and answer sessions, short presentations and lectures on the community interventions which target different sub-populations including; men, people living with HIV, discordant couples and adolescents and young people.

Delegates also interacted with the various IEC materials, data tools and teaching aids that were availed at the desk. Of interest was the organization’s efforts in addressing gender-based violence, a major driver of new HIV infection and the strategies in addressing stigma and discrimination. Delegates who visited the desk were informed how GLOBCOM has created a viable network of community resource persons, most of whom are persons living with HIV, who are well capacity build and supported to conduct patient follow up, peer to peer counselling, psychosocial support and treatment literacy amongst other roles. Among the community resource persons are the paralegals. Currently the organization has attached seven paralegals who offer their services to the community and they played a major role in not only bringing justice to the victims but play an important role in creation of legal literacy matters human rights and the law.

GLOBCOM, as a sub-recipient of Global Fund grant through the Kenya red cross society, had a lot to show success during the conference and you could tell the impact of the community interventions in HIV response. This conference was also an eye opener to the organization as it opened up networking opportunity with other partners working in different projects and in different regions in the country. Maisha conference was an opportunity to appreciate the great strides made over the decades in fight against HIV and to appreciate all partners that work in the cause, to acknowledge the significance of scientific inventions good leadership in ending the epidemic as presented by the theme. 

What is triple threat?

As presented during the conference, the NSDCC used the opportunity launch the “End the triple threat” commitment plan. the country has identified teen pregnancy, gender-based violence and new HIV infections as a public threat. The three presents a complex web which not only affects the health of the population but has its impact on the development, education, economic opportunities and the well-being of adolescents and young peoples. The NSDCC has called for a multi-sectoral collaboration in its efforts to succeed in the fight of the triple threat. As a partner and a youth led / focused organization, GLOBCOM has its interventions that contribute towards this effort.

What is U = U?

Simply put, U = U is interpreted as undetectable = untransmittable. This is one of the major findings in the recent years and another breakthrough in the fight against HIV AIDs. Clinical evidence has established that HIV Undetectable = Untransmittable, or U=U, concept as scientifically sound. This therefore means that people with HIV who have achieved and maintain an undetectable viral load cannot sexually transmit the virus to others. Therefore, treatment for HIV is a powerful tool of HIV prevention.

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